“It’s incredible! The first thing people say when you mention Saudi women is the veil-unveil thing,” she says. “At first I thought it was depressing and annoying. Now I find it
hilarious… and a bit lazy,” says Mansour.
Wasma says the subject is of her own interest. She says the single Saudi woman is to be "placed under two categories: she is either passive, docile and therefore in crisis, or defiant, rebellious and consequently liberated. The women I’ve met and photographed revealed a complex set of negotiations made to reconcile with their identities and assert their sense of individualism. My work interrogates these two polar existences by showing that the participants exist and function in a wide area between them." Mansour managed to explore the subject matter by giving the opportunity to discuss and reveal the participants' identities through their narratives, spaces and their things.
I think this is a very complex and quite personal but very open photography journal. To me, the subject matter is very intimate and subtle because it reveiles something I am very careful to think of and imagine, as Arabic women seem to be open mostly to their compatriots and this whole world of their stays unclear and blurred for an outsider. The project is supported by the fact it's about single women, something that, again, to me is very unstable as one would always imagine a strong and powerful man next to a fragile Arabian lady. Well done and keep going!
Wasma's website and this amazing tumblr workinprogress page , which I found very useful. Even the layout and the colour of the web pages feel and look Arabic, I really did get a Jeddah kind of feeling somehow.